Tight Front Rise (Camel Toe) Correction
A camel toe is a phrase we use in garment-making when the front rise curve is too tight, but there’s also extra fabric in that curve. As a result, the front rise does not feel right or comfortable to you; it feels too high up, too tight, or too close to the body.
First, pin the amount in the curvature of the front rise. You may have to pin underneath at the crotch point and possibly on the back panel as well. Pin until it looks good.
Come back to your sample. If you’ve only pinned the curvature, you’re going to scoop the amount you’ve pinned in the same location.
No matter if you’ve had to pin at the front rise and at the crotch point in the back, or if you didn’t pin at the back, you’re still going to correct both panels.
Lower that crotch point the amount you pinned. Then, do it the same amount in the back as well.
This information and more can be found in The Fitting Book. Order your book today through the link below.
Learn the 3-Step Fitting Process:

A) Identify the Fitting Issue.

B) Pin, Cut, & Tape the Fitting Sample.

C) Correct the Sewing Pattern.

The Fitting Book Includes:
My Secret in Diagonal Draglines