Is your Pattern Balanced? – Jacket and Coat Patterns
And so we begin! This is the first of two posts looking at how to check if a sewing pattern for a top is balanced and how it would be shaped. Before making any fitting corrections, it’s best to check the balance first. When a garment pattern is balanced, it won’t twist or have too many draglines. This time you can see the key points in a jacket/coat base pattern.
1.) The side seams must be mirrored
2.) The back armhole is a maximum of 1/2” or 1.2cm lower than the front armhole.
3.) The back shoulder slope can be slightly curved to allow for more shoulder blade ease (commonly done in couture pieces)
4.) The front armhole is more scooped out than the back (more straight armhole).
Join me on this tops pattern series to learn more about why patterns are the way they are 😊💜 I’m so excited to start this super fun topic!
This information and more can be found in The Fitting Book. Order your book today through the link below.
Learn the 3-Step Fitting Process:

A) Identify the Fitting Issue.

B) Pin, Cut, & Tape the Fitting Sample.

C) Correct the Sewing Pattern.

The Fitting Book Includes:
My Secret in Diagonal Draglines

It’s Time to Sew Clothes You Love that Fit.