Fix Back Diagonal Draglines on Pants – Part 2
Back diagonal draglines on pants don’t look and feel nice. In the previous post, we saw in which cases they’re acceptable and where to pin your garment in order to reduce these lines. This post will show you the pattern correction after you’ve pinned your sample.
Add to the hip the amount you scooped at the back rise. Next, add half and half to both your back and front panels.
Take off the amount you pinned along the waistline. This will smooth out the fabric in the back and give it a cleaner look.
You may also need to double-check the pattern to see if the crotch lines are meeting where they should.
Always remember to true your pattern!
This information and more can be found in The Fitting Book. Order your book today through the link below.
Learn the 3-Step Fitting Process:

A) Identify the Fitting Issue.

B) Pin, Cut, & Tape the Fitting Sample.

C) Correct the Sewing Pattern.

The Fitting Book Includes:
My Secret in Diagonal Draglines